Dive Sites
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Glenelg Dredge
Location: Glenelg 10km from Adelaide. Boat Dive from West Beach Boat Ramp. Rating: Novice to deck, Advanced to sand
The Glenelg Dreage is an old suction dredge built Holland 1914 sailed out to Australia 1920 .Used to dreage the Port River and Outer Harbour. The wreck was sunk in its current location asan artificial reef by the SA Dept. Of Fisheries early 1985. She lies upright 5-6km west of Glenelgin 20 mertes of waterbow to the south.
She is 35 metres long by 7m wide, deck sitting in 15m. The dredge is home to a wide variety of marine life. The wreck is safe to penetrate into the cabin rooms, the main pump hold though the suction crane on the bow but is unsafe to penetrate behind the boilers in the engine room. The main hazards are rusting metal and silting, and the current.Recommended bottom time: 35min
A look up from the bottom scuba diving equipment
Wreck diving . scuba equipment sale
Scubadiving in South Australia has everything from walking the beach seeing whales to diving with dolphinand Weedy Sea Dragon
​Glenelg Barge
Suitable for all levels
Location: Glenelg 10km from Adelaide. Boat dive from West Beach boat ramp.Rating: Advanced
The Glenelg Barge is a hopper barge used by the Glenelg Dredge to take the silt dredge up from Port river. She was sunk in 1984 as An Artifical reefand lies in 20m of water. A star dropper trail has been set up to enable divers to travel from the barge to the dredge and vice Versa in times of low current.The barge is a very intersting wreck with a wide variety of fish.Divers can smin its 30m length with ese. At either end is a small opening where divers can penetrate into the work rooms. In these rooms on each side of thre hoppers is the entrance to the flotation chambers and divers may peer ito them. Divers may be tempted to attempt a penetration and it can be done as long as the divers are properly prepared with line, torchers ect. The entrance to each chamber is very restrited. This penetration is not recommended. the main hazards are rust metal,silting and restricted entrances to the penetrations.Recommended Bottom time is 35 mins
HMS Lumb
The Lumb Location 25 kms South of Adelaide:Boat dive from O'Sullivans Beach Boat Ramp. Rating Novices
The Lunb is a new wreck sunk in 1994 specifically as a dive site by the SA dive indestry. She lies upright on the bottom 30m west of Noarlunga tyre reef in 20m of water 2.5 km west of Noarlunga jetty. The Lumb started life as a tug working in Tasmania before being used at Port Lincoln. She was refitted as a fishing trawler and used to fish for tuna. At the end of her life she was purchased by the dive industry. She was cleaned up and holes were cut in her deck and she was sunk as a dive site. Penetration are easy and safe as hole were cut allowing easy safe penetration. The main hazards is grease on the wreck and some loose cabling plus some sharp edged metal. Recommended bottom time 35 mins.
Port Noarlunga Aqaatic Reserve.
Port Noarlunga Aquatic Reserve: Location: Noarlunga Beach 25 km south of Adelade. Shore dive. Rating Novice inside reef and Advance outside reef. Excellent snorkelling. Over 200 species of marine plant and fish,bryozans,sponges,hydroids,asicdians and molluscs.Port Noarlunga Aquatic Trail with 12 markers starts next to the seaward end of the jettyand travels south along inside through the gapand then north alnog the reef. Excellent for Novices. Caution should be taken then there is a strong current when high tide low tide have a diffference of over one metre. Check tide charts carefully
Boarfish Do a dive courses and see boarfish
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